
If someone said that where I work, it would likely get the whole freaking office sent to HR for sexual harassment reprogramming. They can be a wee bit sensitive.

"teamwork" because whenever I hear that come up I know 33% of the time it translates into "watch a project go down in flames due to other project member laziness or take it over myself and do it correctly and on time". I don't mind true teamwork, just not dead wood. I didn't like the series either. Books I am ok

I would like to see these added:

Good point. Lining it with passive signal-resistant material would be quite different than using an active jammer and probably be exempt from any government regs.

I get the feeling that somewhere way down in the bowels will be huge vats of molten aluminum just waiting for anodization testing and genetically modified spiders spewing forth some new carbon silk. Or maybe a wormhole going straight to FoxConn HQ?

I have wondered that about a lot of candidates. I guess we can never know if they are doing some dye jobs while campaigning to try and go for a more youthful appearance hoping it might drum up votes, or if it actually was the pressures of the job that lead to the change in appearance.

That. Is. Beautiful.

"In" an island? "IN" as in "here is a crazy hatch leading to some dark tunnel complex with a long haired Scotsman living down there"?

Reminds me of an old lighter my uncle carried with him in vietnam. on one side it looked all nice and proper with scripture edging (though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil), but on the other it had an etched bullet hole with "for i am the meanest son of a bitch in the whole damn valley". I

That is very nice to know! I thought they had taken it away a couple of years back. Maybe that was just a temporary thing.

Not to mention most of it was probably made with a slide rule. She was a beauty. They used to have one at the Air Force museum outside of Ft. Walton. It was great to actually get to feel the metal.

FF 9.x with adblock plus on 10.7.2 at work gives autoplay

Good point. I think they did go with Beta Ray in the animated movie right?

Planet Hulk would be a beautiful thing in the hands of someone who truely love blowing shit up. I just don't think Hollywood would ever bankroll such a beast. If it didn't have some hellacious effects, it would be worthless for what the story covers. Of course, I thought the same about LOTR too before they filmed

I am honestly surprised it still affects you much after 4 yrs. I would LOVE to be able to take it longer, but start having quickly diminishing returns after about two weeks. From there on out it gets less and less effective until I could eat a Skittle and have better luck falling asleep.

This Giz vid autoplay business needs to die a quick death.

hehehehe, nice one....

i second that. Been wondering about that myself.

ooooooooh, that one had left my grey matter altogether. Kind of like an oddball 80's version of Alphas. hehehehe.

I'm still holding out hope for the Manimal DVD collection. Not THAT was some classy stuff. Or maybe Automan. Hmmm, not sure which would be the topper of those two.