
But. How. Can. We. Burn it?

I don't know Darth Plagueis, but when I saw it I thought of a Jedi apprentice to the Face of Boe!

If you mean for the iPad, take a look at ReaddleDocs or QuickOffice. They have quite a few features the iWork apps do not (plus are often less expensive since they tend to go on seasonal sales!). I have had very good luck with both.

This will make the suits happy, but from an IT perspective I just can't see Redmond providing all the various handy (and competing) tie-ins to services such as DropBox, SugarSync, Box.Net, etc... such as is the case with ReaddleDocs or QuickOffice. I can see them only providing access to Windows Live and Sharepoint

So, shouldn't those signs be in Russian?

My thoughts exactly. Sometimes you want an existence outside of your "friends".

I thought surely someone feeding them the chickens would have noticed a little girl zombie shambling around in there and mentioned it to the group. Of course, the non-Herschels may have actually like having the other people around and didn't want to mention it because they knew it would run them away (or worse).

I bet Nod can't wait to get their hands on that little beauty.

I think it is "BS for me". To me, it always feels opposite of what the researchers claim.

I thought it was more of a "everyone around me is doing stupid crap and I have to do something to force them to make a decision". He definitely didn't do it the best way (I was thinking he would flip out and burn the barn down especially after seeing that scene from the suburbs).

"I'm guessing that's what he was researching when Rick confronted him"

I gotta call BS on that one... Getting back home always seem to take longer for me on a long road trip. I think seeing "new" highway takes my mind off of it, then on the return trip the "old" scenery bores me more making it seem like it takes longer.

yep. found that out the hard way too. Nasty smell stayed in garage for weeks.

After seeing Avatar, I had hoped that CGI had finally gotten to the point we could see an actual live action Pern movie. My fingers are still crossed we can see it one day. Her books were always some of the most relaxing sci-fi that I ever read. RIP.

If you are willing to take a cred hit...

Thank you for pointing that out. And in some cases, an instructor can give a higher than standard shot to present a range of effects for the student to get the full effects. The foaming models seemed to be worse than the oily liquid ones. Plus they seem to hold the tagging dye better.

Enough with the pepper spray stories! I simply do not give a damn if an adult voluntarily protesting got popped with pepper spray. If you choose to protest you know (or at least I hope they are intelligent enough to know) that there could be consequences. Not that those consequences may be fair, just, or anywhere

Each year it just seems to get worse and worse. I just keep thinking how long until it ends up being like that episode of South Park with Garrison and his "IT" invention...

I could have my odd sounding Letter E last names mixed up I suppose!

Hmmm. So here Venom will be an pain-killer gas instead of a mass increasing hypermetabolid? I wonder if it stays a pain-killer, or if something happens to the recipe during the film to give Bane his bulk? Or Nolan may just skip the bulk altogether.