Hell, go ahead and make an identical joke. It’s not “cribbing” if you’re using “common words”!
Hell, go ahead and make an identical joke. It’s not “cribbing” if you’re using “common words”!
Does that mean Melenia Trumps airs this Thursday?
Just when I think the Trump campaign can’t be any more absurd...
I, for one, hope her lawsuit is successful, so I can go ahead with mine. Many years ago, I pitched three shows:
Let’s compare that photo with a recent photo from the Mayor of London. Diversity the one thing that scares Republican party and UKIP, they can unite on that.
Is it possible that ... he actually is so white that it’s contagious? Maybe there *were* several African-Americans and Latinos in the group, but after repeated Ryan exposure, they TURNED WHITE?
This will never not be hilarious. The look of contempt from Kelly, the sway of Beyonce’s tresses as she glances ever so slightly down and then presses on with the performance unbothered, so great, so timeless.
I think mixing up different cultures is something they learn in racistgarten.
Polls repeatedly show that a huge majority of Americans believe that there is already a federal law preventing discrimination against LGBT people in the areas of employment & housing. Straight people live in Narnia. They have no fucking clue. More importantly, they think they have a clue, and they’re wrong. Must be…
A lot of MLK Jr.’s economic justice legacy has sort of been lost or ignored.
I swear, you’d think MLK was the only black leader these people had ever heard of. Clearly, in his death, he’s the only one they’ll even feign respect for.
Reach out to the local public university system, ‘specially if it has community colleges, and ask to speak to their outreach & prof development and career center people. They likely work with the population you’re interested in and therefore can maybe give you good feedback.
“Try Jesus don’t try me!”
I speak for the human race and the lives of all sentient beings
The Tenors’ statement: “3 of us matter”
No, if an Ugg boot filled with pumpkin spice latté was granted one wish, and it was to be a real human woman, she would date this guy. As for me, I wouldn’t touch any of these guys with someone else’s pussy.
I'm always put off by the over-groomed look myself.