Fix your life is my new catchphrase. Every time I see a student that has a uniform issue or that’s talking when they should be silent, I’m going to start shouting this.
Fix your life is my new catchphrase. Every time I see a student that has a uniform issue or that’s talking when they should be silent, I’m going to start shouting this.
I think this could have been a little more thorough in expressing just how awful and racist some of the shit she tweeted was. The tweet about how his refugee mother won’t be granted asylum or how his extended family in Pakistan will be obliterated (or whatever the wording was)? Like seriously? What the actual fuck.…
I just don’t see how calling someone things like “curry scented bitch,” “sand n*****”, “punjab” etc... is supposed to remind someone that you are all in the same boat. Like why didn’t she come out saying what she said in the text? “Hey man, we’re all people of color being marginalized in this industry. Can you please…
Thank you for saying “South Asians” and not “East Indians” ❤️❤️❤️
“And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”
As a woman in a male-dominated field, I can tell you that a couple of people storming the castle alone will never breach the defenses. Someone on the inside has to throw down a rope or distract the guards.
Twenty-something white girls living in big cities are literally how non-profits survive.
Netflix is killing it with its original programming!
To ALL degrees, Seth. That behavior is full on, totally glamorized. I like some of his movies some of the time but kids aren’t watching these thinking, “that’s funny but maybe I shouldn’t behave that way myself.”
When you’re a one-note talent, it would probably be good to make sure that one note isn’t homophobic. Stick to the very tired pot humor. Your audience loves it.
That is such a false equivalency. And does it matter if this person believes it ends life so long as they are not trying to take the choice away from women?
Abortion clinic worker here. We have to be honest about fetal development to truly preserve access to abortion. This bill is about pregnancies at 20+ weeks. That is not a clump of cells, it is a recognizable forming fetus. We can acknowledge that AND still be pro-choice.
After reading Jia’s piece on “bullying” yesterday I am starting to notice the prevalence of the term in the media on a whole other level.
“I know your roof might cave in on you and your car is held together with paper clips, but could you just keep living like that long enough for me to get my pretty pictures? Thanks.”
I disagree in large part with what you wrote, mainly in terms of your timeline.
There’s a really good way to turn of internet comments on Twitter, don’t go to Twitter. The site is wholly internet comments. That’s like the point. I wish there was a way to turn of pictures on Istagram!
Social media without the community's involvement (for good or ill) is no longer social media.
I think Jia’s point in the article is not that Roy deserves it, but that it isn’t bullying. Threats to someone’s safety is harassment or abuse, not bullying as per the actual definitions.
I completely agree. Right now it’s a conveniently nebulous concept that can be contorted to mean something that is rarely intended. For instance, I regard my classrooms as safe spaces in that everyone is entitled to voice their opinion without fear of being shut down or treated with disrespect. The way Bloomberg…