Ossetia von Azerbaijan

Yep. Much like when someone says that they are looking at things “objectively”, you know damn well they mean “my opinions and outcome are the only important thing."

Agreed, racial gaslighting in full force.

One could conceivably argue that Jim Webb, too, is debating this issue “emotionally.”

This will never not be funny.

no its becky.

...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h

So because she has an album showing the journey of going through some very human and natural reactions to trust being broken in a marriage, it is drama? You think referring to a woman using her music as catharthis, and being honest about how she felt as “drama” isn’t ingrained misogyny? She put him on blast with many

“Freedom”, full stop.

Also as a side note I feel like the word *drama* gets used in a really gendered way, specifically as dismissive of women’s voices, feelings, experiences.

I mean you can. But I think it wouldn’t really be fair.

This is extraordinary. I have sobbed.

Beyonce released an hour-ish long “visual album” which is essentially music videos making up a concept album, laced together with spoken word. The concept is most basically about betrayal and forgiveness in a relationship (personal - seemingly autobiographical) in the context of patriarchy and white supremacy

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

It has been languishing in my Netflix queue for a year now. Why is so much of my to-do list TV?

I once read an interview with Henry Rollins where the interviewer asked him what he thought about people thinking he was gay and his response was (paraphrasing) People can think what they want, people think Prince is gay but have you ever seen the women Prince is surrounded by?? I’d like to be that gay”

Did you first think Prince was gay?

This is the thing that confounds me the most about these laws. Transmen who present as men are now supposed to use the women’s room. So...grown men won’t even have to walk around in a wig and a dress to be able to go into the women’s restroom - they can just say they’re trans if it’s THAT important to them to go in

I keep meaning to watch that. Gabrielle Union is so gorgeous. I need to come out of my kDrama cave.

Fair. I agree that show is really stellar.