Ossetia von Azerbaijan

I would add Being Mary Jane to the list of black excellence that has found a home on the network. That show is it but gets, like, zero accolades for being as groundbreaking and well-written as it is.

This is what kills me about this. There are Black Muslims. They are not “exceptions” to the Rule of Muslimness, whatever that would be. Standing up for Muslims in black communities and black people in Muslim communities happens not just as allies or for solidarity (which, sure, is important), but for the security of

And the but-it-was-so-long-ago/my-ancestors-not-me argument has basically worked over time by outlasting all the living slaves and is now working to outlive those who lived through Jim Crow/segregation. It’s circular and self-fulfilling. And it’s also why this moment is so critical.

I was really disappointed by a lot of the comments on the NYT article. The opposition to reparations often centers on the implausibility of blanket payments to all individuals with slave ancestry in this country, but when an actual, identifiable lineage connected to an actual, identifiable institution is raised, it’s,

Needs just a little more sax. For optimum trolling, overload the ensemble with saxes and transpose so they all play in their upper registers. Closest you can get to a full-on kazoo-chestra.

Yes, and specifically about continuing the transformative and educational legacy of hip hop.

Just like when people throw “black trans disabled atheist lesbians” into conversations as though they’re not actually people but sentient Livestrong bracelet collections.

This is what happens when you see color but not racism. ROY G BIV and all his homies show up as if they could.

I love how the response to fears of gay male teachers preying on male students is to keep them from being teachers, but for straight male teachers it’s that female students need to cover up. Can you imagine the outcry if people were calling for male student-athletes to put on shirts and longer running shorts and stop

This is so critical. As someone straddling a handful of minority groups, I’ve always felt blackness, queerness, woman, mental illness, etc., name vulnerabilities that we are born into and must, no matter how much some believe in “opting in” or “opting out,” wrestle with. Even if institutional inequality were ever

Well, civil marriage is a specific type of bilateral contractual relationship. The reason same-sex marriage has been able to get through is because it has been rightly determined that the gender of the two parties who constitute that contract has no bearing on the nature of the contract itself, which over time has

As long as it’s not Do Nothing-Ass Congress, there’s hope.

Conservatism is all about the status quo. Even when that status quo is a global health pandemic and defect-ridden babies.

She stands many heads over everyone else right now (and I like her more than I liked J. Stew). She has had so, so many good segments (like her evisceration of the anti-choice legislation surge), but this week’s on diapers for poor babies was amore.

The 19th century was a fucked. up. time. The powder keg it created had to explode multiple times throughout the 20th, and we’re still detangling the mess from our collective hair. It should just be one giant [CENSORED] sign in history textbooks.

Seriously, we have terrible, no-good, very bad voter turnout, especially among Democrats (which absolutely baffles me). We’re one of the least representative states, in the strict sense of the term. People shit on us constantly for being represented by unhinged fools, and our response is a collective shrug or a

Cannot. Stand. Clay Cane’s BET documentary on being LGBT in the black church featured a preacher who absolutely gutted that ideology, which he called a “disembodied” belief system: “I love you, but I’m going to kill your body because that’s not really you.” He brought all the lot of theological and philosophical

“The way I’ve thought about diversity is not to think about any single seat as, ‘I’ve got to fill this slot with this demographic,’” he continued. “But rather, if I’ve got a broad set of nominees to make, and this is true across the board, how do I make sure that I’m intentional throughout that process so that the

All. Of. It.

I started realizing the same right around the Flint debate. His answer to the water/infrastructure questions...concerned me. I think no policy question should ever be asked without a follow-up about how a given plan would be executed given the limitations of our government (not to speak of our contemporary