Ha! Best retraction ever. I like you; you encapture a bit of the spirit of Richard Lawson. Also, I for one can’t WAIT for when Blanchett starts getting campy!
Ha! Best retraction ever. I like you; you encapture a bit of the spirit of Richard Lawson. Also, I for one can’t WAIT for when Blanchett starts getting campy!
I’m glad other people see it, too. It’s either someone getting it from behind, or 2 Orcas kissing.
#1 and #3 are totally the O-face.
“I’m really on high alert for Lamar, because, I mean anything I think that will set him to spiral, and that’s kind of the last thing I want for him,” she said.” ....so it’s probably a great idea to discuss him and his personal issues to increase ratings for your stupid TV show. Hard to tell if she’s that disingenuous…
Sooo, blah, blah,blah, words, words, words...Guy Pearce is AVAILABLE??!
I feel like anyone appearing at Comic Con should be prepared for extremely awkward questions... and fans.
I never watched the show, I only saw them on Oprah or something, but I got a strong lesbian vibe from that Meri. The way she picked the next wives...
Lol at “lawyers getting to the bottom of a case”. Because lawyers are always just after the TRUTH, you guys!
Because those don’t have a very slick & well-crafted podcast spoon-feeding doubt to them... and leaving out the incriminating bits, or asking the accused tough questions.
This is one of the great mysteries of life. These people usually take the trouble to tie it up too, and then dump it on the ground? What on earth is the point?
So the minimum wage workers who have to clean the bathrooms are responsible for making sure other people don’t have to smell your kid’s shit, instead of you? That is easier than you carrying a plastic bag to tie it up in? I hope you realize how entitled you sound.
Right, you talked about the smell of someone taking a poop, in a toilet, which would then be flushed, so the offending smell would linger briefly. An un-bagged shitty diaper dumped in a trash can would reek all day.
Except toilet poop is flushed, not left to fester in a trashcan.
Meanwhile, until you put this plan into action, you could contact the Governor’s office and let them know your thoughts.
Shit, the angry white lady would have called the cops to get her refund!
Why is the white piece of trash in the bathing suit being allowed to hold the black boy with the cop in brown?? He also appears to be pushing his forearm against the kid’s throat? WTF?? How is that allowed?? That’s even worse than the fat white dude in Mckinney who was walking around like he was Robocop.
Good lord yes! This is a really stupid and ill-informed article, and you have pointed out the biggest reason why. It’s not like politicians being in the pockets of wealthy real-estate developers, who are destroying every neighborhood including my own to make luxury condos for the uber-rich, is the problem. Oh noes!…