O's, Poes and Bohs

Tax write-off?

Kelson Henderson first appeared as a record producer in an episode of DinoThunder.

I came back from Anime Boston and immediately tested positive. We ain’t done with jack shit.

Where was the fire marshal?

The yakuza probably run Sega now, given Sammy’s involvement in pachislot. And how would they ever get away with making the Ryu ga Gotoku games without the yakuza’s blessing?

But Sega was still stepping on rakes, even then.

Now playing

The story of Sega in the 1990s is infighting and confused strategies. We certainly knew that. Look at all the SKUs they had on the market in parallel. Game Gear, Nomad, Genesis II, 32X, Sega CD, Saturn, Pico (if you count it). The 32X launched in Japan around the same time as the Saturn and in the US about six months

Meanwhile, porn and pot are both legal across the Potomac in Maryland.

Her girlfriend will probably suit up in Cosmic Fury.

Canonically, Tommy is Native American by birth, so it would not be terribly likely.

Power Rangers is at a bit of an inflection point. Showrunner Simon Bennett and the Auckland writers are all departing as Jonathan Entwistle and Jenny Klein and a Los Angeles writers room craft a new universe. The decision to set up shop in Auckland goes back to Disney and it makes sense that, as leases come up, eOne

The DC stop is the same weekend as MAGFest. Why do they have to do this to me?

I played way, way back, like when the Pokemon League was a thing. Some of my old cards may still be kicking around somewhere. I quit when I looked around the Gamekeeper and saw 40-year-old men getting smoked by fifth-graders.

If ever there were a situation that called for the Dinklebot treatment...

The events of the last few years, including the spreadsheet (IYKYK) and the shaming and exile of prominent abusers (most notably Vic Mignogna), have led anime cons to take a tougher line but it’s clear there are parts of fandom yet to have that reckoning.

Very cool device at an uncool price point.

Aside from Turning Red, Pixar’s really lost its fastball lately.

It’s about recruitment and retention. But Republicans would rather grandstand.

I’m suggesting the DUI’s had nothing to do with them being let go, that it was this old Hollywood attitude that infected the show. If Michelle Rodriguez only signed on for the one season, sure, hey, whatever, but Libby was a clear case of fridging.