It’s complicated. Sony controls Crunchyroll (nee Funimation) but they don’t own 100% of it. Gen Fukunaga owns 5% of it. So technically it’s a separate company and, last I checked, Fukunaga remains chairman.
It’s complicated. Sony controls Crunchyroll (nee Funimation) but they don’t own 100% of it. Gen Fukunaga owns 5% of it. So technically it’s a separate company and, last I checked, Fukunaga remains chairman.
Shawne Kleckner didn’t have shareholders to answer to. Sony does. Simple as that.
I’ve been buying from them for some 20 years. I don’t see that changing unless they substantially change. Suncoast is all but gone, Best Buy doesn’t really sell anime anymore. Where am I supposed to go besides Amazon?
It can’t be helped. If AMC or any other large company bought Right Stuf, they’d do the exact same thing. No large company wants to be seen selling porn. It’s bad for business. Right Stuf was owned by Dark Lord Kleckner, it was a private company, now it’s part of an LLC that’s 95% owned by a publicly-traded company.…
Do you need CGI to show Matt Murdock flipping over her head? I get why She-Hulk herself needs to be CGI and I’m fine with it. But the Defenders shows leaned hard into practical stunts. I mean, yeah, because they were cheap. But they looked great. They looked grounded.
Tarantino and, well, a bunch of actors but mostly Samuel L. Jackson. Spike Lee has a good creative relationship with Jackson as well, and it was serendipity that Jackson got to announce Lee’s first Oscar win.
You’re not far off. The original idea dates to 2010. The movie was announced in 2014, picked up for distribution in 2015 and entered cryostasis when the company set to animate it closed shop the following year.
I mean, it couldn’t get made today. Gene Wilder, Cleavon Little, Slim Pickens, Alex Karras, Madeline Kahn, David Huddleston and Harvey Korman, they’re all dead.
I’m not surprised that a film that spent as much time in development hell as this did would turn out to be an absolute flaming turd.
They were, but that was when Kevin Feige still reported to Ike Perlmutter.
Seems like a clear cash grab on the agency’s part unless they can prove otherwise.
Quebec has always been protective of its French heritage. Their charter of the French language requires all products sold there to be labeled in French and that French be given equal weight with any other language on packaging. A few years ago, they told store clerks they must only greet customers in French.
That’s an interesting alternate history. I’m going to say no. Because Sega probably still would’ve blindsided retailers with its surprise launch (a stunt later kind of repeated when they sent pre-launch rental Dreamcasts to Hollywood Video and not Blockbuster). They still would’ve had a higher price point than the…
On reflection, you’re right. Requiring ethernet was a pretty big swing for Xbox back then. But I think that goes to the point that Sega was trying out some stuff before people were really ready for it. You can draw a line from Seganet to Xbox Live, from the VMU to use of the WiiU’s second screen, from Shenmue to a…
Yeah, but Sega shipped the Dreamcast with a modem toward the end of the dial-up age. You could snap in a broadband adapter later on but those were hard to come by. When the Xbox hit a couple years later, it had broadband.
Terrible timing, the sum of all of Sega’s post-Genesis mistakes and the GD-ROM. The GD-ROM was a mistake on the level of the N64 sticking with cartridges. It could only hold 1GB a data, less than a quarter of what you could stick on a DVD. And DC games could easily be pirated with everyday CD-R’s. And the DC could…
Sounds like I picked the right time to buy a Switch.
Bernie Stolar and Peter Moore were really handed shit sandwiches at Sega. There was so much infighting and confusion at Sega in the mid-90s, and disagreements between the American executives and their bosses in Japan. The Saturn came out the same year as the 32X. That was insane!
Hillary Clinton lost Hillary Clinton the election. It was not because of Bernie Sanders that she lost, just as it wasn’t because of Bernie that she lost the last time she ran.