O's, Poes and Bohs

It’s good for Mr. Baldwin that the report backs up the things he’s said about what his producer role entailed and the circumstances of the shooting, but that doesn’t shield Alec Baldwin the producer from the civil liability. And on a human level, I can’t imagine anything that could be seen as “good news” for him in

I feel like the part about it not being about Ansari should have been in the headline.

Just reflecting on this legendary tweet.

He was technically in it. The marching band treadmill stunt was shot before he was dismissed.

If it helps (?), it’s perfectly normal for biomedical waste to be burned like that. You can’t very well put it out with the trash. It’s a biohazard.

Yeah, it’s a bummer. You wish he could have gone out on top and on his own terms, like Gregory Peck in Cape Fear, Daniel Day-Lewis in Phantom Thread, Joe Pesci in The Irishman. I guess action stars don’t retire so much as fade away, with Stallone, Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan among the rare exceptions.

I haven’t seen Everything Everywhere yet--I may take the train down to DC this weekend to do just that--but if our reward for interminable Slapgate discourse is Michelle Yeoh and Ke Huy Quan holding statuettes, I’m all for it.

This is the only good take to be had among people not directly connected to the incident. Especially among white people not directly connected to it. I wish I had come out with a take like this from the jump.

Given the nature of the rumors, introducing the category was a bad idea in the first place.

I’ve done some more thinking on this. I would rather he not have slapped him. I understand why he took offense and I empathize with him and Jada but it was a really disappointing reaction. And I don’t like playing the “think of the children” card but this same show happily presented songs from Encanto.

Shit no.

She’s bald because of alopecia...

I don’t condone violence. I’m not a violent person. There are a lot of lived experiences involved that I don’t know and can’t pretend to know—I’m not Black, I’m not an actor and I certainly don’t go around with the pressures and expectations and attention Smith has on him every day. But to the extent I know the

Gondry spending hours binging wuxia, Wong Kar-wai and kung fu movies while dropping acid.

This and “Unbearable Weight” are the two movies I am most looking forward to. Just, like, sign me the fuck up. And it’s great to see Michelle Yeoh toplining a Hollywood film and showing off all she can to.

Ha! I was actually seeing if someone would comment with just a clip of the bike stunt or her tumbling off the car in Supercop.

This and The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent are the two movies I am most looking forward to this year. It’s like someone read my mind, found out what I wanted most to see in a movie and made two movies out of it.

I am beyond excited for this film. We’ve waited far too long for Hollywood to give us a Michelle Yeoh vehicle.