Gunga Din ga Skutch

I am familiar with this story in a general way and have obviously seen the harsh reaction to this guy’s laughable sentence as well as the letter from the victim, but I’m struggling to determine what the hell this guy’s excuse is (after all, wasn’t he literally caught in the act by bystanders?)... did he argue that HE

Um, you are not capable of hurting my feelings. In even the remotest of ways. You either knew that, so you’re trolling, or you somehow imagine you have that power, so you’re delusional and stupid? It isn’t about respecting my position, it’s about whether you’re really going to win someone over by being a dick right

Um, what? Was the rape victim here not white? If so, how did that not inoculate her against anything bad happening? Also, you are super, super off-topic. My point is that the OP was suggesting a gentle discussion about privilege wasn't possible, which I took to mean "Why won't you be convinced of my rightness when I

you know, the racial element that some are injecting into this just doesn’t hold up. sometimes privilege extends beyond skin color. there is a litany of examples of entitled young BLACK athletes being given even more leniency than Turner received here. Jameis Winston comes to mind.

Globally speaking, half of the world is also run by entitled Asian men (and their wives).

To be fair, half of the super wealthy men in this world are Asian.