
from my own experiences - watching this tonight - I was thrilled. I mean, this is actually exactly what you are supposed to do when dealing with a bully. I swear I bet she studied how to deal with bullies, because - this is it. she didn’t talk at him, she didn’t take his bait - she talked THROUGH him and just

When America decided that facts don’t matter. Grrr...

Mike Pence had the gall to complain that Hillary constantly insulted Trump. Since when is calling someone out on their lies considered an “insult”?

Boo! I missed it because I was too busy doubled over in laughter while trying not to spill my drink .

Every time she interrupted he got all pissy, and then he proceeded to interrupt and talk over both her AND the moderator.

The Mansplaining. The Goddamn Mansplaining. Donald was downright disrespectful. Jesus.

Hillary has had 30 years of people yelling at her, criticizing her, and 15 years of debate experience. Trump isn’t used to people fact-checking him and hitting him with facts. He’s used to fawning coverage where people kiss his ass and tell him he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

She totally reverse psychology’d him so she could wear her red suit.

I’m delighted with Clinton’s composure tonight. She clearly trained to endure his incessant interruptions with calm and poise, effectively delivering her message in spite of him. It made Trump appear even pettier than usual. Well done, Hillary.

This is by far one of the most minor examples of Clinton’s dominating Trump, but I like to think her “Between Two Ferns” reference to his “red power tie” led to his stylists’ choosing blue tonight.

Come now, since when was that a problem for white people in Hollywood? How many movies has Mel Gibson starred in?Charleston Heston?Joan Crawford?

That was my read on it. Or she did know beforehand and just wanted to be onstage in the Oscars even if she is the butt of the joke.

I knew this guy in college... douchey wingnut, wore Confederate flag t-shirts, etc. Not very bright. Whenever he said something stupid, there would often be someone there to make some scathing, sarcastic comment back that was essentially making fun of him... and he would laugh along because he had no idea his idiocy

It’s the face you make when someone accidentally drops a sexual innuendo in a super-serious office meeting and you want to laugh but you look around the room and realize you might be the only one who picked up on it... From here on out can we just call that the Stacy Dash?

I thought it was a “she won’t actually be there after he announced her name” ...I was honestly shocked she walked out

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.

That track and field joke. Chris Rock is living his best life and I am so glad I get to witness it.

A bunch of them recently called Bernie Sanders, the Jew who lost family in the Holocaust, Hitler. They have no sense of irony.

>>>They are now 1 short step from calling Obama Hitler.

Hitler-y Clinton - calling it!

Trump’s horribleness is only distracting us from the real issues. Namely that all of the other republican candidates are equally repulsive, if not more so. Donny just pukes his nonsense the loudest.