
As a Jets fan (ugh) I hope that my Jets brothers (ugh) have the professionalism to do this to Jameis when he is drafted by New York (uuuuggggghhhhhh).

I choose to interpret it as a sign of feminist alliance, miming a castration gesture in solidarity with rape survivors: a gesture that signals the importance of punishing offenders and standing up for victims. Or, they could just be happy as fuck that they beat the shit out FSU's felonious morons, thiefs & rapists.

At least now Jameis Winston understands what it's like to be the victim

Don't worry. The map will say it's 12.

I'd be more impressed if she drew a huge vagina. I mean, I'm still impressed, but I'd be more impressed by a vagina.


Gotta get me one of them Nike+ things and do a li'l bit of Dick Prancercise.

She's not the hero we deserve, but the hero we needed.

You're alright, Arnheim. We may just keep you as a pet.

I really appreciate this thoughtful response. I just wanted you to know that.

As a heterosexual, married male, I must offer two responses to this article:

First, the positive: Thank you for the laugh. This was one of the most insightful, witty, cutting articles I've read in a long time—and it had me howling, until...

Second, the negative: I have realized I know far too many men—and far too many

"It was just an illusion this kid built in his own mind, I guess because he couldn't have her."

A few years ago, my friends and I were frequents at lounges and bars in Hoboken, NJ. A few of the horrible things I encountered were

I assumed it had already been said about every woman in the UCSB area and perhaps the world.

Let's take bets. I'mma go with ~12 hours.

Yeah as if somehow if she was notorious for torturing kitties and flipping off grandmas that it would have been imperceivable for her to deny the shooter's advances. It bothers me too, as a well known awkward type that does not feel "beloved" by all.

The DN is a tabloid too, it just happens to be a progressive one, so they'll write things we agree with but still publish a lot of silliness. I always read the DN as a kid.

Or that we are only supposed to grieve over murdered women when they were "beautiful young women". If you are old and ugly nobody sheds a tear.

Start the clock on how long it is before one of the jackasses on Fox says "if that girl would have just gone out with him, maybe this could have been prevented".

"Everybody loves this girl." Okay, I understand we are trying to establish this young woman's innocence, but am I the only person bothered by statements like this? The girl does not have to be a perfect angel to have a right to refuse someone. This plays into the idea that women can be rightfully demonized if they are