Right..Nowcan you tackle Toyota who seem to stick Lexus Badges on the Camry and call it a Lexus... Can We just call them Camrys from now on?
Right..Nowcan you tackle Toyota who seem to stick Lexus Badges on the Camry and call it a Lexus... Can We just call them Camrys from now on?
Yes..You have got brains to burn.
That's fine..to learn from history. And to have an interest in it.
Well most Americans Can't find their own country on a map.
Did you ever go camping in Vietnam?
Really, you think the cold war isn't over???
What..As opposed to being an American-centric elitist????
And you are full of sh*t If you think US companies DON@T pool resources.
I don't see the difference. Boeing use many different companies in many different Countries to design parts.And if the Airbus A350 can fly without the problems of the 787, then it's cutains for Boeing.
I prefer the 355.. tbh..but these ones were nice for sure.
Well they are outselling Boeing..So they must be doing okay.
Yeah well.
But come on..Can you name a Nice modern Peugeot???
No, you read that wrong.
I think the Russians have a good idea..I reckon they have scientist who can build something similar or better.
Do you have a small willy??? Is that why you get "so excited" about blowing up other Countries?
Do you really think people really care about the USA??
Why would I waste five minutes of my life watching a video from Auto Express.
Us military bases propping up Europe Economy???
Dear USA..Take Peugeot and keep it. You are welcome to it.