John V

I haven’t played a RE game in years mainly due to the fact that being freaked out the whole time just isn’t fun for me. Thats the reason I never finished LOU2 as well (the constant tension was just not a way i felt like spending the little free time i have to play games). That being said, how does RE Village compare

these prices are incorrect. the PS4 version is only like $7 off, and the PS5 edition is about $20 off.

these prices are incorrect. the PS4 version is only like $7 off, and the PS5 edition is about $20 off.

I’ll preface this by saying I haven’t played a RE game in a very long time and I am not very up to speed on all the lore. That being said, it doesn’t seem they are hiding his FACE as much as they are hiding his MOUTH. Is it possible that the reveal will show he has vampire teeth and he is actually a vampire? Is that a

Just out of curiosity how do you know anyone got an actual invite from Sony to buy from them directly? I haven’t seen much news about this and I am wondering if anyone has been able to size how many people actually got the chance to buy directly and some news on how that went.

Does anyone know how a game save could transfer from PS4 to PS5 for these games that are offering free upgrades?  The upgrade is nice but if you have to start all over again that could be a pain.

Some masks with valves also have another layer of cloth/filter between the valve and the actual face inside. Many masks designed for woodworking are like this to allow the outside mask to get airflow through and filter out larger dust particles, then the inside layer filters out all of the rest of the dust. great

Do you feel on edge like Bloodbourne as you walk around? I found it got easier over time but knowing that something was likely going to jump out at me soon at all times stressed me out. Like can you sort of see whats coming and plan more than react?