Michael Turner

But it literally happened. She could have shaken his hand, she could have just touched a shoulder, but she embraced him. Trying to read into the quality of the embrace or what expressions on her face indicate whatever feelings she had is, to me, pointless.

I’m not a number 1 fan of either Bush Sr or Jr...but the Bush’s aren’t racist. I don’t think there was an emergency family meeting when Jeb married a Mexican woman. Bush Sr coined the term “voodoo economics” in talking about Reagan’s “trickle down economics”- and is voting for Hillary. After 9/11 W went out of his way

Who doesn’t know what is about to happen in this debate? I mean, this is cool but only needed for people leaving their bunker for the first time since 1992.

GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.

Umm, you realise that this position is in the 2016 Republican national platform, right? That it was extensively debated and represents a purposeful change to the 2012 platform language (and a reversion to language much closer to the 2008 platform)? While I imagine you and I do not differ in substantive criticism of

No , you’re just a stupid person. Iran has no interest in being our ally, and is an enemy of our partners in the region, as flawed as they are. But it’s funny to see you say it like to an option and that you have always defended Israel when you’re as dumb as a brick But here are the guys you are rooting for ,

If you don’t think Israel is the immediate guarantor of Jordan’s security you’re silly. It’s a lot more palatable to arm Israel to do it than do it ourselves.  

He’s a world leader and you have to meet when them even when they’re odious?

She is further right than Obama, and called his settlement freeze policy a tactical mistake. I don’t recall her ever speaking up for Palestinian rights or supporting (even half hardheartedly) their bid to UN membership.

Honestly this is the only response the article needed.


Between the mindless right-wing trolls and the too-cute-by-a-half cynical “progressives’” “both sides do it” bullshit, I am so ready for this whole thing to be over so we can get back to complaining about a grown-up doing her job as president.

You know what moving an embassy means, right? I mean, you’ve been privy to one?

As the Daily Intelligencer reports, Netanyahu has criticized a number of Trump’s proposed policies, including the full-throttle ban on Muslim immigration.

Understand sentiment but I am not sure our sitting President could be considered Netanyahu’s bestie. Israel, yes. Netanyahu, no. There is a gulf between what Trump said and what moderate politicians argue.

if Amy Schumer is ok with it why shouldn’t we be ok with it?

Idk, probably less noteworthy. Did Hillary break with American diplomatic parlance in her meeting?

You mean the blockade of the Gaza Strip right? Israel isn’t blockading all of Palestine.

Uh, did you actually read the article?
