Safe Space Sarah

Unless you believe it’s consensual, in which case it’s a gang bang, not a gang rape. A gang rape is a horrible act that violates the woman involved. A consensual gang bang is a loving act involving role play and trust.

In the case of Nate Parker, it may be that he really thought the woman was consenting. They were both drunk, and even she admitted that she remembered some of what happened. He truly may not have read her body language all that well, and since she didn’t say no, thought that they were both on the same wavelength.

Quite the opposite. Gun nuts see these shootings as justifying a need for more guns.

Hillary will at least attempt to pass meaningful gun control legislation. Trump will likely make it easier to buy guns.

You’re never too old to spend cold and rainy Sunday nights wandering along Brattle Street alone and getting philosophical. It’s confirmed- Jeb’s become cool and introspective.

I’d love it a lot more if I though it would appeal to the average undecided voter in Colorado and Pennsylvania.

The problem is that Trump lies so much it’s almost impossible for anyone to fact check him in any way that sticks with the average voter. Holt tried on a number of occasions to call him out, and Trump responded by rambling on and making up more and more things until the thread got so long the audience had forgotten

That really was the funniest line of the night.

Shave off that chin curtain and Dov Charney looks a spitting image of his dad, Lon Chaney.