Kanye is, and always has been, an insufferable asshole. He can be mentally ill and an asshole at the same time. If he wants to fuck his fans over and ruin his career, fuck him and anyone who supports him.
Kanye is, and always has been, an insufferable asshole. He can be mentally ill and an asshole at the same time. If he wants to fuck his fans over and ruin his career, fuck him and anyone who supports him.
Conway West goes off script on national TV to accuse George W. Bush of hating* black people, but now he wants to forge an alliance with President Peach Pie? Because Conway thinks there’ll be change?
Just your normal day on Jezebel. It great that they can post picture of a hot Nazi*. See when i look at a Nazi i see the regimen who killed my ancestors, but at least they had style.
Fuck off with this shit, please.
But here’s the thing—a booming economy is far from the only measure of a successful president. And a booming economy is actually the perfect time to do some work fixing longer-term problems that will require some investment: namely climate change.
That is all bullshit, and it has a whiff of racism to it too. People who dismiss the “moderate rebels” that way tend to be bigots who think most Arabs are Muslim terrorists.
There’s a man in Aleppo named Mohammad Alaa Jaleel who takes in stray kittens, and other animals. He runs a shelter for them.
This is where I break with the Jacobin/ Intercept left. Aleppo was under horrific fire from Russia before the election. In the last year, Russian shelling killed more civilians than ISIS has in all of Syria, and twice as many civilians as the entire UAV drone strike program has since 2004.
Yeah- good thing all those innocent kids are dying. Fuck ‘em for being born in the wrong place at the wrong time. Who needs empathy when you can be smug instead?
Thank you, Neville Chamberlain.
You’re just realizing this now? Most of my friends died in a fireball nearly 65 million years ago. Those that survived turned from terrible awe inspiring beasts as big as buildings into robins and sparrows. There clearly is no god.
Perrys Who Should Run the Department of Energy, Ranked
Assad’s thugs are carrying out summary executions in the streets and in buildings. There are bodies everywhere of men, women, and kids. Survivors will disappear into the regime’s prisons to be tortured. I’m watching the last Periscope, etc. streams from activists I’ve long admired.
The Green Tea Party are DESPERATE to derail things even further and stop the left from uniting against the orange asshole. Why? Because the far left often hold the philosophy that if we let a reactionary just BE in power and do terrible things and hurt people THEN we’ll get progressive paradise because everyone will…
Oh, I didn’t realize you were such an expert in bullshit.
Now that the people they’ve sent their strong message to with all their protest votes are out of power, they’re passing the time smelling their own farts and smugly deeming them unique and powerful.
They’re absolutely delusional. If Trump were to bring back slavery and you passed one of them during your 18 hour shift in the Twitter mines, they would say “You know, slavery would have been much worse until Hillary.”
The same. Because they are dumb.