Cabbage Patch Mather

Many of us who voted for Hillary did our part and are willing to accept the fact that 75% of the country didn’t vote for her. It sucks, but that’s the reality, and I see absolutely no alternative to accepting that Trump will be President for four years.

It’s always been there. We simply have more competition now.

By “okay,” they probably meant that under Kasich they didn’t worry about whether or not the country would cease to be a country.

Nope. Even if you, for whatever reason, support the Assad regime, there’s nothing good about parents watching their children screaming in pain as their limbs are blown off.

They’re psyched to build sand castles on the deck of the Titanic. They never really wanted a functioning democracy in the first place- it was all about creative destruction for them

Exactly- all about power.

Aw.....What’s 176,000 gallons of oil among friends?

“After the speakers finished, members of the crowd chastised a group of communists who’d briefly coopted the rally for their own very loud purposes, armed with a megaphone, a drum, “America was NEVER Great!” signs and Che Guevara-style t-shirts featuring Revolutionary Communist Party founder Bob Avakian.”

Netanyahu is almost compulsively dishonest and politically very crafty. He survives in politics by cynically pitting his rivals against one another in order to patch together patchwork coalitions that ensure nothing of substance ever gets accomplished.

Actually, no. Criticizing Likud, or Kadima, Shas, Labor, etc, is something most Israelis do on a regular basis. Nothing anti-Semitic about it whatsoever.

As I said to another poster, I should have used Curb Your Enthusiasm” as a reference point.

I have no idea what Alex Jones or Ron Paul think about Jews. Alex Jones was married to a Jewish woman, has Jewish kids, and makes a point of bashing anti-Semites.

Yeah, perhaps I should have used Curb Your Enthusiasm as a reference point. Curb, for me, was Seinfeld on steroids, the writing AND the production.

Because The Sopranos ushered in what many all, “The Golden Age of Television.”

I loved Seinfeld in the 90's. But compared to the series that have come out since The Sopranos? Seinfeld is unwatchable.

I cannot wait to see the reaction when this hits Breitbart. Just watching some of the alt right commenters seething with fury will bring about enough schadenfreude to last until the inauguration.

It’s a weird dynamic. Hardcore Trump supporters will still call liberals “communists,” and yet they’ll call free market capitalists, “one world globalists.” They’ll rail against crony capitalism, and yet praise Russia, where crony capitalism is 1000x worse than it is here. They claim to want the government out of

Mr. Healy???

This is a somewhat complicated issue to explain in only several paragraphs, but the 2001 attacks in New York coupled with the growth of the Internet brought about a profound growth and popularity in conspiracy theorists. Some of these conspiracy theorists, like Alex Jones, were pretty open about what they believed

Which is a strange thing coming from a guy who’s about as white as Lenny Kravitz.