Cabbage Patch Mather

He promised prosperity and security to all. An empty promise, you and I know this. But when you live in areas surrounded by people of your own culture and background, and your industry of generations and income are dying, someone’s positive promises can override their negatives. Better understand why this happened, so

Here’s my response:

You may not be the cause of these circumstances, but the situation sure as hell is your responsibility now. It’s all of ours. And if you don’t better understand the causes, you can’t consciously contribute to the resolution.

Stop asking blacks to be patient about our own opression because everyone knows your fragile asses would be screaming bloody murder if society forced white people to choose between two people with a long history of antipathy toward your kind.

Everyone said ‘the lesser of two evils’. Voting for someone doesn’t require you agree with everything they say; that’s often impossible with only two options. I’d suggest everyone get out of their bubbles and explore why voters went for the other candidate.

The choice was between a woman who once said “superpredator” but also helped millions of poor women and children, many of whom are POC and a man who doubled down on calling for the execution of 5 innocent African American teenagers.

Well that ain’t me.

‘Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good’

He gives off a Manson vibe in the Today Show video

He claims that his horrendously heartless Facebook status about “poverty of self worth” was because he didn’t know that people had died in his scaled-up tinder box. The fact that it didn’t *occur* to him that people might have been hurt makes me pretty sure he’s a sociopath.

No egress path, no fire extinguishers, no smoke alarms, too many extension cords/plug splitters, old fixtures and appliances, etc. Hard to fault the inspectors if the place was zoned as a warehouse and they weren’t able to access it for inspections. The blame falls squarely on the owners and principle lease holder for

finding ways to do that safely is so out of reach for most.

Her face is odd

while all beauty is subjective, i think what most people find captivating about him is his peculiar intensity. as for her? i mean...

Come again?!

The left has shown itself to be as equally deplorable as the right.

The thing is, this isn’t a partisan issue. Every country worth living in has rules about immigration and many are far more efficient about addressing undocumented immigrants than we are. I grew up in a border state and plenty of Democrats, including those whose parents immigrated as refugees, wanted to see an end to

By “undocumented” do you mean illegal? Allowing anyone in is a slap in the face to everyone else who followed the law and spent time and money on the immigration process.

So does fucking St. Louis. People blow this stuff out of proportion. It’s one thing to talk about Aleppo as a war zone (it is), it’s another to insinuate that Mexico is anything like a war zone.

They probably go home, I guess. I mean, it’s not like other countries are that bad. Unless you’re insinuating that Mexico is a third world country, in which case, what the fuck.