Ron Paul Gobbles Cock

Shitting into the winner

Shitting into the winner

Shitting into the winner

You’re both wrong, and you’re a bitch.

Why are black people always generalizing about the motives of those who aren’t black?

Stop condescending to black people and treating them like weak creatures who need your white pity.

You should see Ray, the movie about Ray Charles. Jamie Foxx did a very good acting job in that film. I’d like to see more of Foxx on the big screen.

I won’t mention the one fact that everybody seems to be ignoring about this story. I’ll let someone else mention it.

Jamie Foxx was great in that movie about Ray Charles. I’d like to see more of him on the big screen.

“In keeping with Trump’s style, Ron Jeremy will be taking Brotman’s place.”

She did a phenomenal job in Ghost Busters. I don’t know why so many people harass this lovely woman.

The term “native peoples” is a misnomer at this point. Early tribes immigrated here, just like everyone else. At this point, with many Americans having familty here 500 years, many whites and blacks are just as native.

She looks like a man to you because she’s a man She’s a man with a mental illness, but a man.

This is a necessary surgery. As more and more trans people become finally free of their cis shackles, hopefully society will realize that these types of surgery should be free and available to all. Definitely this is life saving, as many trans people without this surgery kill themselves.