
Ugh Osher is such a tool. Just comes across as smarmy. It's like no one has forgotten when you had blonde streaks in your should length hair and hosted Australian idol my dude.

Please go crawl into a hole in northern Idaho and don’t come out until you’re ready to be eaten by a bear, Kirstie Alley.

I didn’t know that we’re calling Puerto Ricans with visible African features “white” these days.

Girl, Rihanna is far from desperate. Regardless of how her tour does, she’s making stacks while she sleeps.

Okay... my SIL has been told to pump and dump if she drinks, and feed the baby stored milk (from the freezer) if he needs it, but the pumping is just because if she goes too long past his regular feeding time, *she* gets uncomfortable. It’s not that she’s getting out the “tainted” milk, it’s that she needs to get the

this this this. This poor woman.