
Why do we keep talking about the ball and not the BODIES ON MEAT HOOKS behind them in that scene?

I love Flash and Supergirl being all cheerful and peppy while interacting with the grumpier Arrow squad

They are able to do that, so I’m not sure what your point is. I care about my privacy, which is why I don’t use those services (facebook, twitter, etc), and their terms are very clear that you should should not expect your data to remain private. Once you post it is out there for anyone to see.

Well, I guess I can stop trying to get the trifecta. I already have the other two and only wanted Vaporeon for this.

Honestly these 4 seem like they’d be better than the ones we got.

Have the checked the EPS relays?

This is depressing. Fitz & Simmons are the best part of the show.

Oh, if only that were true of TV as well ...

I don’t know man, curry was campy bad and it added to it - cox looks... too damn good

Yeah, but if the article was titled, “Netflix Being a Responsible Company” who would click on that?

They are not trying to “screw” them- they are protecting their business by holding business partners to previous agreements. That this doesn’t work for Relativity is not their responsibility.

“Some kids save up allowance money to buy a afford a new bike.”

It's TV-MA. You knew the risks