
I read they all of the comments until I found this one bc everyone was all “I found my first grey at 40" blah blah and I am like 70% grey at 33 and anxiously awaiting g them all to go so I can rock that (it’s awkward without dye right now, but once it goes in rocking that shot like storm). Also, my pubes went first at

No way man, you do you! I’m 33 and honestly it’s been really reassuring when I see other people my age with gray hair, because honestly? It really doesn’t look bad at all! Some of my friends have really embraced it, too, even dying their non-gray hair gray. TBH it looks AWESOME.

What will I do if I don’t make you horny

I started turning at about 23, and now at 35 I have streaks of platinum. I have been told multiple times that I “look like a paid a lot of money” for those grays (well, I guess I kind of did... thanks, grad school!)

Just wait until you have so much nose hair that you’re ripping it out in clumps so your nostrils don’t look like they are about to unleash a legion of spiders.

Found my first one in high school. Don’t pluck it — not because 3 more will grow back or whatever, but because when that one grows back it will be shorter than the rest of your hair and no matter how you wear your hair or how you try to slick it down it will stick straight up by itself like a little white antenna

Same. Maybe my genital region is more stressed or something? Is that how grey hair works?

Just as the election of an African-American president made some people shocked - shocked I tell you! - to find that racism still exists, the idea of our first female president has found us not so shocked to find that Mad Men-style misogyny is still with us. Teach kindergarten?  Fuck off Donny.


I swear to god, some people think the first amendment means you can say anything you want without any consequences. Guess what, motherfucker. It just means means being a douchebag isn’t illegal. Consider yourself lucky.

I’ve spent too long trying to find the GIF of Clinton responding to Trump at the Town Hall debate, where she licks her lips and says “okay” as she stands, so just pretend that it’s here.


Or to sum up, “If you can’t stand the heat, go back to the kitchen.” Asshole.

That tweet calls for this:

Truly: is no one more oppressed than the Trumps right now?

And, then what? They express their disagreement? That’s kind of how the 1st Amendment works — Your awful father says something awful, people express their disgust at his awfulness, he lives to be awful another day instead of being jailed for expressing his wrong, awful, terrible opinions.

Maybe if you can’t handle not harassing women in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce.

Well isn’t this little Nazi cute?

Put that fist down, motherfucker. It don’t belong to you.