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So... We’re relying on the Corporate Owned Congress and the Corporate Owned Press now?

I don’t know about him getting big fa dollars. When you look at rosters and contracts, there are literally only 2-3 teams for which he’d be considered an upgrade.

The real question is: WILL HE FORD THE RIVER?

The chant was No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA - get the rhyme scheme down GODDAMNIT

My favorite Eli face:

Will 53℅ of marchers just end up going to a pro-Trump rally Instead?

‘if it snows’

And this has been “Why We Always Lose: Trusting Chuck Schumer Edition”

Welp, I guess we know the newest addition to the Inauguration festivities. “...And wasn’t that a wonderful performance by the White Power Sunday Singers! And now, let’s give it up for a brave Patriot who just recently survived a horrific ordeal at a Popeyes, Mister... [Squints at index card] ...Bob Ice? Is this right?

Bowden is a dumb old biggot, but before he got to the earring stuff, the content of his observation was not unlike any number of black educators. Having a smile presence matters. Now, perhaps Bowden might want to ask where all those father’s went... Trump loving fuck.

Probably the cost of operations.

He’s a veteran. That’s good!

Watch CBS. It’s that

I believe they dropped Rainbow from the name quite a few years ago. They are just the Warriors.

Because entertaining a Fascist is just like having to ring out some drunk asshole.

Sick union. Unions like these are why we are where we are.

Ya man, I remember Eva Braun was really swell.

Yes, I remember when politeness and civility turned back the Nazi war machine at Leningrad. You can put away the Love Trump’s Hate signs now - it didn’t.