
You people have been going high for the last 40 terrible years. At some point, maybe you’ll figure out what bullshit that is.

You’re right; the guy should have thrown a fist full of his own shit at her. Then he would have accomplished the praise worthy goal of making fascists uncomfortable.

Tell that to MSNBC. Morning Joe gets 4 hours a day to spew that Fascist Lite bullshit every AM.

You tell em, Mr. Trump. Who needs free speech? Sad!

I feel like listening to these inbred mongo fucks stutter their white supermicist nonsense is less of an ad for them as it is a PSA about the dangers of cousin fucking.

Not enough Chait bashing.

Am I crazy, or were 6'1" receivers on the larger side back in the 90s. I feel like if someone was 6'4" everyone marveled, now who gives a shit.

Happy that people are working on holidays? You sound like a Hillary fan.

John Miller goddamnit

Those weren’t pearls they were anal beads.

Does the study mention whether these mother know they are pregnant at the time they are smoking? Curious if that impacts number significantly.

It’s penWOMANship, you goddamn sexist!

OMG was ODB born in 1992!? WTF!? DAMN YOU TIME!!

Death camps would be great for middle and upper class, too. Gas the Poor’s to death, and boom, budget surplus. YOU FUCKING PEOPLE.

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Next Up for the Trump Victory Tour: Madison Square Garden.

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Someone please drop the sound in that clip, then add this...


To be fair, there is nothing vague about wearing a “Let’s Hang Reporters” shirt. Did it need to have the word Lügenpresse in huge font above a picture of a death camp to remove some of the ambiguity?