
Who am I, Bill O’Reilly? I’ll leave the wife beating to the experts.

What’s wrong with these white thugs? It’s white culture. Where are the white fathers!? Sad! And the man who would be president, Donald Trump, he can’t even help his own people, convince his own people to respect the rules and follow the law!

I watch a lot of pro wrestling so I’m probably qualified. Hit me up on Kinja, Bobby Mook, you craven weasel faced fuck.

Wu Tang: 100

White privilege strikes again

Tl;dr: Use your dick for different stuff (I think, I dunno... You DTF?)

Celebrate Mae West’s Birthday By Leaning Over Your Own Cleavage and Making a Risqué Witticism

Make Ear Cuffs Great Again?

I can’t believe, after years of screaming ACCOUNTABILITY NOW at our local school buildings, that schools would prioritize the already academically talented/accomplished students whose good grades will keep them all employed. Weird! https://youtu.be/Lxggscwmuhs


Now playing

Oh bro it’s a totally bogus claim, dude. FUCK YOU, YOU DOLLAR STORE CARROT TOP. Are you comfortable not doing what I asked you to do... Fuck him. I can’t stand that shit. You drop that law suit and tell that motherfucker...

Mmmm.... That’s a thick band.