
We want the finest wines in the Seven Kingdoms and we want them now!

Maybe he went on vacation by mistake.

Most aren't. Think about for a while. It will come to you or it won't.

I've known a few very skilled and technically able musicians who absolutely love Frank Zappa. None of them have had much, if any, success as musicians. Coincidence? I'm pretty sure it isn't.

And god knows, being ahead of one's time in jazz fusion is a badge of honor.

Hey, it's famous Civil War general and Rhode Islander Ambrose Burnside!

Gettysburg by Stephen Sears. I may never finish - I seem to fall asleep every 20 pages or so.

Entertaining is the exception, not the rule.

Except in extreme circumstances, depositions don't take place in a courtroom, so probably no selfie in chambers.

Filing a Rule 12 motion is aggressive. Timely filing an answer - not so much.

Does the fact that John Fowles was English make his American classics more or less minor?

Spoiler alert: it wasn't contagious.

That would be even worse.

No, I didn't. Characters from the plane - living and dead, including all those you mentioned - hug it out in a church to which Jack was delivered by his dead father, intercut with Jack dying in the jungle, explicitly and directly calling back the very first scene. You can tie yourself into whatever kind of knot you

So did I misremember the very end where they went back to the very beginning (like, I don't know, an ouroboros)? Were it a different show, I might very well see your point. In this case, though, where the who show was one serially-told, "evolving" mystery rather than a series of more or less discrete episodes and

Don't get me wrong: Nixon didn't deserve rehabilitation (neither did Hoover), I just don't think he was the one-dimensional villan he is often portrayed as.

I have not, but recommendations are always appreciated.

I've heard that's good too. I think I have The Tragedy of Richard Nixon. I'm still nursing my depression from reading that new Replacements bio.

I think I agree with your first paragraph in it's entirety.

My counter-argument is that it was a show about unraveling and revealing a mystery, and the
"mystery" turned out to be completely facile. All was revealed, and it was ridiculously, laughably stupid. Further, it was framed in such a way that made it clear that all this nonsense didn't really even "happen" - except