
I tend to agree: Nixon was never quite rehabilitated like, say, Herbert Hoover. I don't doubt that his anti-charisma played into that. He's also probably one of the least physically appealing presidents of the modern age, which probably didn't help either - with Nixon, it's easier to see the caricature than the man.

And I'd prefer to live on in ignorance, thanks.

I already despised Lost by the time it ended (in for a penny, in for a pound), but I think it's ending was even more retroactively destructive than the utterly indefensible ending of BSG (a show in which I had considerably more investment). The last hour of BSG made it seem like all involved simultaneously had a

Unequivocally no - unless you are a masochist who enjoys light punishment in the form of accumulated stupidity and incoherence slowly doled out over many, many hours, in which case, go for it!

I didn't think he had the hair plugs yet.

I'm still not sure how to feel about Battlestar. When it was great, it was really great. When it was bad, it was ridiculously bad. I think it was about this time that I realized the writers had no earthly idea where they were going, but I still liked it way better than I didn't like it.

Say what you will about Nixon, but at least he never attempted to monetize a possibly apocryphal and definitely distasteful and inconsiderate sexual act (that I know of).

There's a logic to that. Nixon was a fascinating guy. I won't say he was equal parts sympathetic and loathsome - loathsome took that trick - but he wasn't a pure villan either. Much of the "welfare state" the Republican Party has spent the last 36 or so years dismantling was signed into law by Nixon, and in terms

That was a joke, playing off another joke. The quotation above - as I'm quite confident the original poster knows - is actually attributed to Hermann Goering. As I understand it the famous bumper sticker quotation attributed to Chief Seattle was entirely apocryphal and ex post facto.

If you think the left had that kind of purchase in 1993, you might not remember the 80s. In 1991, the idea that it wouldn't be four more years of Reagan - pardon me, Bush - was almost unthinkable. It was hard to believe that Bill Clinton could win, until it actually happened, and he did it by tracking right and

The passionate are inherently a little (or a lot) irrational.

I thought it was a pub rock joke

Harvest Grain and Nut? You really do hate America!

To you I say that life just does not get any better than "the Land of the all-night IHOP". . .and if you hate America so much, you are free to find another home.

I could have sworn that was Chief Seattle.

Trying a standard-issue week-long jury trial that nobody cares about but the parties and (hopefully) the six to twelve unfortunates in the jury box is hard enough. I truly can't imagine the stress of doing a months long trial in which each and every thing you did or didn't do was endlessly scrutinized by a seemingly

Life, friends, is boring.

That is one fantastic analogy you've got there. That may well make my day.

Don't forget Doug and the Slugs, dammit!

I've probably said this here before, but Night Flight was like a magical portal out of my small Wyoming town. To this day, Doug and the Slugs' "Makin' it Work" rattles around in my head.