
Perhaps you'd like to direct me to said tab on my iPod - currently my primary, if somewhat incomplete, reference - or perhaps account for the boundless inconsistencies in attribution - particularly among jazz musicians - in my fairly large collection? I don't really have the time or inclination to alphabetize any of

That's the difference between Sabbath dumb, which was pretty charming a lot of the time, and just plain dumb, which was not.

Dumbness of that sort is one of Ozzy-era Sabbath's many charms. Plus, I get the sense they were unironically doing their best - which was sometimes, if not always, pretty fucking great. Which, unless I'm mistaken, is probably your point.

Don't worry about it: I'm the one who said something stupid, not you. You were actually quite kind.

Yeah, thanks - I'm duly chastised.

Thanks for (correctly) pointing out that I'm a dumbass, though.

Very true. Sadly, I have become accustomed to iTunes alphabetizing. While I still like holding the thing in my hand, I also like the convenience of the iPod. I bought 6 of them when I found out they weren't making them anymore. My hearing isn't good enough anymore to be an audiophile, and I already have enough

Idiots like me who have become accustomed to the way iTunes alphabetizes. And no, I don't have my CDs or books alphabetized right now because I have way too many and I was lazy after my last move.

This would break what little is left of my heart. We don't have a lot of As in common (no Albert Ayler or Albert King? Philistine!), but I've got to agree that Funeral is one for the ages.

I saw Acetone open a Mazzy Star show in which Hope Sandoval was so stoned (I assume) she could barely stay upright. Possibly the worst show I've ever seen. Acetone were fairly awful too - particularly their attempts at high harmony - although not nearly as hostile. Sample Hope Sandoval stage banter: "Why don't you

You do realize that you forgot to delete the footnote reference when you cut and pasted the above text from Wikipedia?

He had one: Time Out of Mind. Then he screwed that up by making an even better record shortly thereafter.

Hell yes! I've been listening to Richard Thompson's solo work and records with Linda for years, but for some reason, I hadn't listened to his Fairport Convention work until recently. Liege & Lief has to be one of the best records ever made, period. Richard kills live, too.

If you saw it in the theater, it was the perfect time to take a leak. I did, and apparently didn't miss much. Grindhouse was more like a conceptual art project than an actual movie, in my opinion. I enjoyed it, but I'll probably never feel the need to watch it again.

I saw Grindhouse in the theater, and it was pretty fun. I'm not sure it counts as a standalone - more like a contribution to an anthology. Django, in my opinion, is better than Inglorious Basterds - a movie I just didn't like for some unexamined reason. For what it's worth, I liked Django a lot better than 12 Years

Maybe Burbadge sounded more natural? I take your point, and actually agree, but given Shakespeare's importance to English idiom - probably second only to the King James Bible - he's maybe not the best example. Mamet is, although he definitely uses artifice as a dramatic tool (probably why Ricky Jay can make it sound

Picking Clapton over Hendrix is kind of like picking Kenny G over John Coltrane. Lots of people have, but it's still perplexing.

That non-playing motherfucker?

Might have been a lecturer, but not a professor.

He has a masters in journalism. Zelazny had a masters too, although in literature. Neither were English professors, which probably would have hurt them, anyway. All the VLA people are very smart, but they're not academics - which is a good thing.