
I've got it: you're Tina Brown!

I tend to think judges, by and large, are better positioned to determine what is fair on a case-by-case basis than legislators.

Why do criminals need rights, right? Shouldn't they be for law-abiding folks?

Waking the Moon is a good choice.

I think I bought the last one on Amazon. Sorry. They have it for Kindle, but I prefer analog books.

I did! I just don't agree with this approach. But hey, I'm only a lawyer, so what do I know from law? Crime victims who think judges live in ivory towers - that's who should be in charge, because every emotionally-driven, reactionary crime bill (e.g. the US federal sentencing guidelines, just about any law with an

No, but I think divesting case-by-case flexibility from judges to determine bail from judges is almost as good an idea as divesting control over sentencing was after Len Bias overdosed. Also, I think the way bail is utilized penalizes those who can least afford it, but hey, this will show those lazy judges in their

Good for them! Presumption of innocence is so outdated! I think emotional responses to individual tragedies make the best kind of legislation, and there are never unintended consequences!

Hey, you're entitled to your opinion, no matter how wrong. I kid. . . sort of. Here is the difference, to me, I think: I liked the characters in Buffy, and after season two, I pretty much loathed all of the characters on the Sopranos. I watch television, in large part, to be entertained. Television that isn't

I read it, although it didn't really stand out in my mind, although I do vaguely remember him saying something stupid about binge watching. I've never much cared for Clive James either, though. I dimly remember something he wrote about Shakespeare pissing me off. Ms. Nussbaum was probably off winning an award or

You don't like Roger Angell? What are you, a Yankees fan? Also, E.B. White was his stepfather, so if you read the New Yorker, you probably don't need a diagram. Plus, he can be quite a charming writer - I like him, at any rate. Also, complaining that criticism of Game of Thrones is poorly edited and rambling is a

What does that mean? By the by, wasn't Jesus Christ the progressive Jesus, what with the money-changers, blessed be the poor and all that?

Exactly. It's not a deeply-buried heart, either.

Nor should you: they aren't very good (in my opinion, of course). By the end of them, I was pretty much sick of everybody, although Quentin was a particularly unappealing character. Plus, the author treated him inconsistently. In every book, he would build up his ability and power, only to have it taken away by the

Night Flight!!! I grew up in Wyoming, and Night Flight was like a bulletin from another, much cooler planet.

For once, I agree!

Have I mentioned that I hate this fucking movie? Emotionally relevant? Meaninglessness of "emotionally relevant" aside, Saving Private Ryan has about as much honest emotional content as the food pellet in a Skinner Box.

Respectfully sir, I disagree. It is hard, but possible. Substituting another intoxicant sometimes helps. Additionally, per his autobiography, he was in full cocaine-induced psychosis during part of the silence, but was not using junk. No reason for him to lie about that.

No, it isn't.

No shit, huh?