
It's in roughly chronological order, but very digressive, like where he's talking about Monk in the late 40s, then takes a paragraph or so to dispute the well-known anecdote about them almost coming to blows during the much later Bags' Groove sessions. Great book, though!

It ends with OJ walking off into the friscalating dusklight.

Godspeed O.J.! Black Emperor

. . . as they used to say in East St. Louis.

I liked Dexter Gordon before, but the way Miles looks up to him raised him even higher in my esteem ( for what little that's worth).

As I recall, there was knob-slobbering, and Parker had a mouthful of chicken.

Fuck yes!

Go shopping for hip vines with Dexter Gordon. Motherfucker was clean as a broke-dick dog.

He quit heroin in 1954. After that, he was a cocaine guy.

Yeah, but his real life - at least as he describes it in his autobiography - was pretty amazing. Just a movie about - say - his time as a sideman for Bird, who he both loved and hated, would be pretty awesome. Plus, it could include the indelible scene from Miles where young Miles is in the back of a cab with a

I laughed out loud when I read that part about opening for that non-playing motherfucker.

If you cut out all the uses of "motherfucker" it would be about 100 pages shorter, motherfucker, bad as you are.

That motherfucker Mingus never would shut up. Finally, I told him: "Motherfucker, you don't shut up, I'm gonna stick this bottle in your eye." Max just laughed, like he does, and Mingus shut up for about half a day, then he was back to it. Motherfucker's a genius though.

Leviathan Wakes. Fun space opera.

Somewhat ironically, "prosperity gospel" is precisely the sort of results-oriented practice that the original Protestants deemed witchcraft in the Roman Catholic Church.

I did too! I think I loved it, though. I know I read the book shortly thereafter. My best-at-the-time friend's dad had been in the Air Force, so he'd take us to any anti-commie movie, no matter how age-inappropriate. He also used to take me shooting, and thought my parents were odd because we had no guns. Good

I dug Firefox Down when I was in 7th or 8th grade!

It still strikes me as funny (in the gallows sense) that the US still flies the same heavy bomber now that ended the world in Dr. Strangelove - although I'll bet the current navigators don't have an emergency backup slide rule.

It was mostly just fast. ICBMs kind of made the Cold War interceptor obsolete. Apparently, to compensate for the heat at Mach 2.5, the expansion joints on the Mig 25 leaked fuel when it was cold. The brake fluid was also much sought-after as a booze substitute.

George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words: "Mongolian clusterfuck" predates it by years.