Osaga the Great

Like what Disney has done with folk tales?

This article is a real “But Milhouse is my name” moment for me as my pre-teen years were often spent pulling all of my action figures out of a big box and randomly booking them in a giant wrestling tournament. Lion-O was Andre the Giant-like as he towered over the other characters. The G.I. Joes were the tiny plastic

To be fair, Chris Benoit never worked again either.

so, the look is mid-70's ITV kids tv presenter? Cool - looking forward to her new companions, Bungle and Zippy.

Why would you be confused about why a known racist was writing for a nazi website?

You’re thinking of R Kelly.

a. Vince McMahon is gonna sue the fuck out of this guy.

I’m pretty sure Bruce Prichard has dibs on that.

They could always try rebranding to The Alan Smithee Company.

It seems it’s always been a bad time to be a woman in Hollywood.

Remember that classic episode of The Simpsons everyone loves? We’re stretching the joke out to an hour, adding Morgan Spurlock and plenty of new Simpsons humor to it!

Yay, prison rape jokes! Aren’t we awesome.

“Yeah, how did rumors like that get spread so quick.” - Richard Gere

As many as are decreed by his majesty Mike Judge, the King of Pop-Culture Hill.

“tries to make every sentence a joke.”

Is that what they are trying to do? huh. That clears up a few things - at the very least it explains why a laugh track plays.

Reassuring you that at least one person got that joke.

Does he also have to clean up the watermelons after smashing them now?

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.

Maybe in the year 2016, "How do I sustain this ultra-high-concept NBC sitcom for multiple seasons?" is a bridge you cross when you never get to it.