

this is great news. i love these movies. all three so far have been excellent. can’t wait.

Asimov really nailed it with this quote (which many have probably already seen, but seems appropriate here anyway): “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life,


This poor kid’s situation is fucked from all angles. Her dad’s a well-known POS and, if it’s true she’s bi-sexual, I can only imagine how that’s going to go down in that household. Part of me loves what is happening to Mr. Cruz while the logical and realistic part of me only worries for that child and how she has to

I mean, if “provides gender affirming care to trans children in consultation with a doctor” is sufficient evidence of abuse to take people’s children from them and throw them in jail, Cruz probably deserves the death penalty for this.

This poor child.

Like 104 years ago, two Army Signal Corp members were having this same discussion. “So the aeronautical division wants to split off on their own and call themselves the ‘Air Force’? What a stupid fucking name...”

It's a review, my dude. Linda is a reviewer. Which means that her job is to...get this...review things. And sometimes people, even reviewers, don't like stuff!

 Here's hoping that today is the best day of the rest of Alex Jones' life. 

Is anybody out there clamoring for a Crow reboot? The original was perfect, and very much a product of it’s time. It doesn’t need a do-over.

I scrolled through this and my main takeaway was that we should all strive to live a life that will be remembered so fondly by so many. 

Since the article does a very poor job here of laying out the issues lets actually do that. To be clear, all of the racist bullshit was added with this release and wasn’t there previously.

I’ve appreciated this whole chain, and I think your comment really nails it. io9 was always great for a lot of reasons, but the interaction between writers and commenters was always a big part of it. That and the way that it mixed science news with pop culture made it a pretty unique place on the internet. It’s just

Just the fact that you are taking the time to engage with us here in the comments is HUGE. Seriously, it means so much.

this is a rude comment considering how gracious i’ve been to a whole comment section talking about my job performance!!! wow!!!!!

I’ve truly appreciated the time that you are giving to this conversation - that is something I’ve just not seen as of late around here.

This conversation has been interesting to watch, especially because of the insight you’re giving into your work and into the decisions about what you will or can cover. I guess I would like to see some think-y pieces about adaptation (not nitpicks, as you say), and maybe some smart stuff about the enduring influence

...BioShock released to critical acclaim, with particular praise for its atmosphere and narrative, which incorporated ideas from author George Orwell and most notably philosopher Ayn Rand.

@Hamster Poop: Geeze, way to be a jerk. ifandbut needs a wakeup call though. If that's being homeless, it sounds like it might have already happened by the time you commented.