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    So psyched for this. I laughed my ass off at many points during the first two seasons.

    Among other things, evidently.  

    Paul Ryan would like a word

    Yup. This.

    You with your facts and logic...I’ll have you know, sir, this is the Internet.  We’ll have none of that here!  

    I totally will, but only if you trying thinking for yourself sometime.  

    I am so fuckin down for this.  

    Band Aids

    Not until after you loofah some stretchmarks, guy

    I commend your ability to open with a description of her as your crush, and yet not be creepy at all about it, while closing out with a really important reminder about sexual politics in our day. Pretty slick execution.


    Nocturnes Season 2, pleaseeeeeee....

    I mean, Avatar isn’t great, but it is vastly better than RM.  At least it somewhat makes sense, and isn’t riddled with weird internal inconsistency.  

    Savage, and 100% accurate.  

    Oh, for fuck’s sake.  

    How does one acquire a copy?  Is it in the torrents? 

    In a recent interview on Stern, Paul Simon noted that he loved the Disturbed cover so much, he called the lead singer to tell him so.  And full disclosure, I really dislike Disturbed’s music.  But that cover is absolutely excellent.  

    Thank you

    Pretty sure someone would buy the IP in that case.

    There are dozens of us!  Dozens!