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    Not this one.

    I’m shocked to hear that, I tell you.  SHOCKED.  

    She has no gay friends.”

    Oh, WELL-played, sir/ma’am, well-played indeed!

    How do you deal with what must be constant disappointment in your God’s failure to deliver? 

    I’ve lost a lot of people to cancer.  This still made me laugh.  

    “I am not sure how and why anyone would expect us to apologize to a Nazi.”

    If you were truly uncouth, you would include “feckless” in there somewhere.  

    That is unfair to tsetse flies man.  Come on.  

    beat me to it. 

    I would like you to tutor my daughter when she is a bit older.  What are your rates? 

    1) How the fuck are you ungreyed with no replies and no stars? 

    To me, the food items are absolutely verboten, full stop.

    Checks out.  


    Your lips to God’s ears

    I will certainly do so, and in fact, already have! Thanks again.

    You definitely should....

    That was a terrific read.  I would not have found my way to it without your link, as I am not a big sports guy.  Thank you.  

    Yes, and obtusely ignoring the substantive content of arguments like Arnheim’s is a classic tactic of partisans more interested in grinding an axe than engaging in discourse.