Redundant. Not “tautological,” which, incidentally, is the far more common adjectival form of the word you attempted to use.
Redundant. Not “tautological,” which, incidentally, is the far more common adjectival form of the word you attempted to use.
I mean, you could argue that, but it wouldn’t be a good argument, plus you’d have Chuck coming for you so....
So actually, I had a Starbucks Nitro the other day, black, no ice.
I do not understand this woman’s appeal.
I feel like the adjectival phrase “Trump’s stupid as fuck” is essentially redundant across all possible usages at this point...
It’s unlikely now, I agree. But I also think we are headed for a sort of political singularity precipitated by the Mueller report’s findings. The kind that may bring unexpected GOP pols with it.
I know there are rules of ethics applicable to all lawyers on a state by state basis, which often include provisions that either directly or indirectly generally address things like temperament, appearance of propriety, etc.
Here’s a craven political strategy to deal with this situation. I want to be clear, I understand that this is morally reprehensible, particularly with respect to survivors of sexual violence. I don’ t mean to minimize that issue, nor am I arguing that the result of the below strategy overrides the above concern. That…
Yeah, I don’t think so.
The funny thing is that Stephens is a hack as well, even as the token NYT conservative.
To be fair, the broad side of a barn is a way less plunkable object than Brett Kavanaugh’s rapey face.
I mean...dude. I think this whole conversation is silly insofar as it’s based on a faulty premise: that the components of the cultural zeitgeist are objectively defined or measurable. It’s an inherently subjective concept.
That says way more about Destiny 2 than you...
The concept of a conservative gay bar makes my brain melt around the edges....
Anyoone know what the player base of this game is these days?
So jealous man. Been twice. It’s heaven there.
Counterpoint: You got to got to NZ 8 times in the last 2 years.
Big yes
I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but I do not feel that you made a very strong argument in support of your position that Avenatti is not helping things.