
Between them and their wives, they pull down $100k a year and think that makes them “the rich” and therefore “overtaxed.”

Sigh. It’s true. :(

I don’t think he minds. He looked pleased as punch up there.

Bread! When I was little, my mom used to make homemade bread, and it was TORTURE waiting for it to cool so I could be allowed to have a slice.

For the answer to that question, you’ll have to click here, because this morning’s Dirt Bag isn’t about what Portman does or doesn’t remember smelling

After Charley, Florida counties rethought their no pet policies because so many people, especially the elderly, have only their pets, and would not evacuate without them. I would not leave without my pet, personally.

I’ve heard from a few people that the Disney resort hotels are absolutely packed with dogs right now, as they’ve opened up their policy to allow pets in light of what’s going on. (Apparently, it’s sort of a go-to for locals to check in, as hotels are built to withstand more than the average home.) Good for Disney for

I can’t imagine needing to evacuate and not being able to find anyone to take me with my dog. There is no way in hell I would leave my dog behind to starve, drown, or be crushed. That’s just not happening. People need a way to take care of their four-legged family members too, and it’s just not fair to force people

LOL. That house wouldn’t be out of place in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Naw. You have to be actively trying to design a house this ugly.

what in the actual fuck is that.

shut up, its everything i ever wanted it

Speaking of big, ugly houses in Michigan, look at this beauty that’s up for sale:

I got my grubby paws on my mom’s copy of Sexual Politics the summer between grades 11 and 12. I think that and The Female Eunuch (which I also found on the family bookshelf and read the same summer) shaped me as a person. Although I’m pretty sure I’d find a lot to disagree with in those books now, as a teenager I

Lucky bastard.

Dying of a heart attack at the age of 82 in Paris with your life partner at your side is a pretty good death. It would have been better at 92, but still....the only better death I can think of is a family friend who died in his 90s of a heart attack on a Caribbean beach. He was snorkeling with his new girlfriend (in

There is nothing wrong with not wanting to deal with people. Some folk are just less gregarious than others. It doesn’t make them broken.

I see this more optimistically than most.

because connection helps you to keep your humanity alive.