
He can get press credentials but not a follow. Security is a little tougher here.

While working in community news, we often had to rely on unpaid contributing photographers from around town for artwork.
I managed to learn the credentialing loopholes and get very passionate photographers into concerts, bowl games, DI college football games, high school playoffs at NFL venues and more. It was always

When I was in college, one summer I interned at a local radio station in Macomb, IL which is home to Western Illinois University which used to be home to the St. Louis Rams training camp. I was able to score a media pass from our sports director for the entire training camp. That summer will go down as one of the best

I covered the Orioles a few times when I was an intern at a newspaper in Annapolis in high school and college. I remember the first game I covered, which was back when the O’s were hot garbage. I ended up barfing up god-awful questions to guys like Adam Jones and Brian Roberts, to the point where Roberts even asked

I totally did this with the Sacramento Kings in about ‘97 or so. Told them I worked for a fake magazine, and then went out to the arena and picked up my press and photo pass.

As a member of the press, I can confirm that 99% of the job is ‘looking like you belong there.’ Also, walking with a purpose and flashing a press badge will get you into most places. 

It’s amazing how far people will let a member of the press go before they stop you, mostly out of their own confusion and desire to

Give it a year or two, there will be another Oscar-bait movie about slavery.

You know, my definition of stealing shit is kind of fluid. Like, if they don’t say anything, that’s okay right? Also my idea of murder has been evolving. I mean, they never said, “Don’t murder me,” so I’m shiny.

Aside this being all kinds of fucked up, it’s so strange that after being acquitted (and his roommated being given a new trial and then the case no even materializing), that he’d give this statement or any statement, really, aside from “no comment.” Sure, had he said he wasn’t going to talk about it he’d have been

I (a white American) just learned that black people are humans too! Whoopsie!

“If she didn’t say anything and she was open, and she was down, it was like how far can I go?”


All these guys coming here to comment that they always knew about consent: fuck you.

I’m a guy. I was sexually assaulted by another man in 2001. Even then, I still didn’t understand what had happened to me until 12 years later. There are layers of understanding.

I’m not saying Nate Parker is cool. I’m not going to

I remember seeing him in a few films: that POS version of the Tuskegee Airmen, The Great Debaters, and Beyond the Lights and thinking, “oh, this guy might be the next Denzel!”

He should just stfu!

His comments re: the “changing” definition of consent really bring it home to me just how important it is, as a parent, to start right from the beginning to teach my kids consent. I am always telling them only they can decide what happens to their bodies; that they have to ask and get a “yes” before touching someone;

I checked the definition of rapist

It apparently is only put in there as the catalyst for the revolution, and that bothers me. I don’t like rape being used as an unnecessary plot device. I also am kinda sick of it being so graphically depicted in films. But I do really like Gabrielle Union so I am watching for her.

Yep, that just demolished any lingering uncertainty for me.

Pirating it might be a reasonably comfortable compromise.

I’ve heard it’s a good movie.