
Again you deserve Trump!

You exemplify that Hillary is the one with divisive supporters, with your usage of the Hillary campaign-disseminated “Bernie Bros” slur. Are you really such a dupe? Or just a right-winger who doesn’t give a shit about the little people?

Hey man, you lost me with “Bernie Bros”. That’s condescending as hell—and a meme promulgated by the Clinton campaign. Whatever.

Enjoy Trump, you deserve him.

Why are the delegates at fault? They didn’t make any threats. Or throw any chairs or do any violence. Even tho they got ratfucked by the Nevada Dem State Chair. That said, they showed remarkable restraint. What are you blaming them for?

So I assume you condemn Hillary’s enthusiastic support of regime change in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Honduras...and Iran? And her support of the Saudis bombings of Yemen?

Hilarious how the Hill-billies were completely silent when Bunk put the smack down on that female Bernie supporter... hypocritical shrews that only give a shit about misogyny/violence against women when it suits your agenda. Just pathetic.

As a true Bernie or Bust person I have seen multiple videos from this event that show total disrespect from the Democratic Party. If an individual crosses a line and phones another individual with bodily threats; that becomes a police matter to determine exactly WHO is making the threats and what punishment should be

I dunno man, I’m a Trump supporter (write your hate below! Love to hear it) and... I have a pretty difficult time believing that Bernie supporters would actually move to violence. I mean, obviously, there’s a few in every bunch, but still - it just seems... Really quite odd to me.

What’s sad is that this (and these people) are merely symptom of the disease of selfishness. This disease knows no party and has no income status - the entire idea that everyone is special therefore accountable to no-one is one of the biggest, most destructive myths there is.

But before it was Trump inciting violence. Is it Hillary inciting violence. Or is Trump inciting Bernie violence. Ugh I can’t keep up with the narrative when it is so twisted. Honestly, it looks like they are PEACEFULLY protesting. :)

A couple of fucktarded Bernie supporters send threats and the whole campaign and supporters should take responsibility for it (even tho Bernie has said numerous times he doesn’t support violent behavior), but let’s all get super mad when someone tells a bunch of Muslims to take responsibility for the inhuman and

It is interesting that NONE of the three Bernie-istas you reached for comment about threats they sent to the Nevada Democratic Party Chair live in or are registered to vote in Nevada.

This is simply just civil unrest. It happens when any particular country stops listening to its citizens. I don’t condone threats or violence but unfortunately, when protests and other civil actions don’t positively affect the situation, violence tends to always be the one thing everyone understands.

Bernie should take a page from Hillary’s playbook: he’ll only do more to combat the (haha) “violence and intimidation” with his supporters when Hillary does. After all, there was only one arrest so far in the entire process, and it was a Hillary supporter. WHEN IS SHE GOING TO DISAVOW VIOLENCE AND INTIMIDATION WITH

Thanks to some extremely zealous Bernie Sanders supporters, the Nevada State Democratic Convention this past weekend was a particularly epic disaster, devolving into yelling, graffiti, chair-throwing

In Seattle 1999, we had tens of thousands of peaceful protesters sitting and singing in the streets. The media machine couldn’t use that for a lead story, so they focused exclusively on a handful of “black bloc” anarchists breaking a window selected for them by the police. It was incredibly effective at blacking the

What I find the most interesting. Clinton couldn’t beat Obama.

Sanders stated that he “condemn[s] any and all form of violence,” but didn’t address the threats against Lange: