Gordie LaChance

Mary Elizabeth Winstead looks the same in every photo.

This was definitely not the most polished, tight episode, but in a season that hasn't really had the show's usual share of laughs this episode stood out as it had a ton of them.

This sounds a bit like Joe Hill's short story "Pop Art", which is fucking phenomenal.


Regardless, even with the price increase, it‘s still cheaper than a dinner date.

The only good video game adaptation was E.T.

The whole movie will be him jumping in the wrong direction eventually leading to many deaths and accidental stabbings.

Well, he's right about Room 237 at least. Some of those theories were soooooooo forced it was silly. It was shit.

That's pretty cool. I usually hold grudges against things people do when they were 22 years old as well.

I'm not saying the miniseries was Emmy-worthy, but there is an endearing quality to it for me. And I've been able to watch it every couple of years because of it. I loved the novel, too, which may help with my affection for the series, but I also feel that the actors brought a lot of humanity to the series,