
ok, but STILL waiting for the REAL hardcore games for Kinect. C'mon, u lazy ass devs,..... Design these fuckin Kinect games already!

fuck the P[iece of]S[hit]3.

Duh, the little bit of milk dilutes and bonds with the water (ice) which expands the properties (white) of the milk. Thus, creating a seemingly larger amount of milk.

Gears 2 is where I began my gaming. Loved it so much, I got Gears 1 and loved it aswell. Even before it was ever announced, I hoped for another game. I've already got my Epic edition for Gears3 pre-paid. Yeah, I HAD to go all out for this one! Cant wait!

Great article.

Fix the lag issues and forget about more maps

Suddenly, I'm considering pre-ordering this game.

Nice. it still needs tweaking and it still has a ways to go before implementation in the field. But very promising.

No shit.

Thats great, but being that my laptop (Dell M5010) can barely run Crysis2 on the games lowest res, and lowest graphics spec setting, this patch wont help me at all.

This actually looks kinda cool.

I agree. BF3 !!!!

My Score

Looks great. Question tho: Which engine is best — CryEngine2, Frostbite2, or Unreal Engine?

I want it.... I SHALL have it

I kinda understand. I have this one 10/11 year old kid who friend requested me after a game of Halo: Reach. (I'm 35) . He's actually a better shot than I am. So I figured what the hell, I'll accept his request. But now, everytime I turn on my Xbox360 and autosign in to Xbox Live, he always seems to be there waiting

The lag would be ridiculous

So, basically he cheated..... Yeah, not very noteworthy.

They should slowly chop pieces off of this woman until she finally dies..... SLOWLY and PAINFULLY.