

@casen: be patient; many more core games are in the process of developement for kinect

@The_UBER_Elite: LOL! I know right? Wow, 9000 is something to brag about.

@darkside31337: "Potential means you actually haven't gotten anything worth having yet'

@Rils: lame comeback.You'd have been better off not even bothering to reply. btw: how are you few 9000 liking those glowing dildos?... oops, I mean move wands

@AnimusONLINE: Actually, read more of my replies and you'll see that I actually do.

@viciousarcanum: and so is halo: Reach's (in-game), yet Halo's looks much more polished, less polygonal than killzone 3's. Dont be mad.

@tingyu: 3d? so what? i wouldnt want to play such a polygonally ugly game in 3d. I dont want choppy graphics all up in my face.

@geck0_k: You'll never actually use all of its potential

@Dexomega: yes, it does. And thank you for your kind aswell as informative response.

Once again, for all those of you who originally talked so much shit about Kinect's lack of potential and inevitable failure: Im laughing at you right now. But not only me....... over 8 million others are aswell.

I wish I were there at CES! Damn, you, broke bank account! lol

Tron (as a reality) is possible on this monster. But as for gaming, there is currently no need for THIS much of a beast.

@ILaen'Cythe: yeah, and about me replying twice: I did that (just like I did again just now) for something called EMPHASIS . look it up dill weed.

cable on xbox360 ...... bring it please

It's almost comical how we marvel at the amazing and intricate detail of man-made mechanized creations that only mimic the grand and awe-inspiring things in nature, yet we turn around and dismiss the notion that these far more grand celestial bodies also would have a creator.

Simply magnificant.