
Hey mom! I want a RE-TARD watch for Christmas!

WTF! Creepy is not the word. This is sick. Look at the way this lady is obsessively staring at these people. Like some psycho. And notice how she KEEPS stroking the woman's breasts......

The legs are designed less like a humans and more like an animals (shorter calves/longer foot length/stands mainly on toes).

I want on Xbox360

Pretty ok, but not mind blowing by any means

An amazingly beautiful and orderly symphony of awe inspiring design.

I multiply with my fingers

a must have

Jizzing pants......

vewee pwetty


@ndspanky13: i couldnt have come up wit it w/o u.

@HobbaHobba: Developing games for Kinect takes longer than developing games for move since move is essentially just similar to an IR detection setup (like Wii-motes), whereas Kinect is body detecting sensor.