
@iJizzLots: What great points did he make? All he did was hold kinect a standard that no other device is actually held to by asserting that at launch, Kinect was supposed to be the perfect device — despite that not being the case with nearly every newly released device. Then he bitched about Kinect having (in HIS

@Skitch: Time will tell. I am patient enough to wait and see. If not, oh well, and if so, then great. Either way, I love my Kinect.

@Theoutlet: Dude, you're obviously a troll. Get the thumb out of ur ass and move on.

@Skitch: Obviously not immediately, but just as iPhones have have undergone harware revisions almost yearly, I'd say it wouldnt be too far-fetched to hope for a revised Kinect in a year or so.

@Theoutlet: Well, if you were only speaking from the position of owning one, then you would KNOW that Kinect has more than just one game, and that it's not only otherwise good for playing on the Kinect hub.

@CharlesNelsonReilly: I have Kinect. And you actually CANT turn off your Xbox by simply saying goodnight.

@黒天使: Well, considering that before Kinect was released, evryone was arguing with me that Kinect wont sell, that Move would dominate sales, and that FPS wouldnt be possible on Kinect...... and yet guess what:

@Dreamwriter: Notice my statement inlcuded software, and HARDWARE updates. You miss the point I was making. That Kinect never asserted that AT LAUNCH it would work exactly as the E3 trailer.

"They did get close, though some of the wilder ideas have not become reality, as you can see."

@ndspanky13: Winfo 7 IS a great and catchy name. I agree with you there.

Wow, whoever put this add together and spliced that iPhone screen image on to the Droid X is a complete idiot.

great clips

@SamRadar: Well said. Well worth $150

@the_loxster: A Gamestop rep told me that Kinect is killing Move in sales.

@gypsygib: uh, that was a hack done by some regular guy, not a professional game developer.