
Ok, and WHY would anyone pay $450 for a Pre when they can get an a windows phone7, an android, or aniphone for around the same amount or for even less?

"....It makes a man, a BETTER man,.... it makes an athlete, a SUPER athlete...." — Rocky 4

@chantastic: Very long winded and unnecessary explanation. You havent stated anything that I have not already known. Additionally, I never said that EVERY nation that has a fast growing economy will become a Hitler redux, nor did I ever once state that China and Germany are complete parallels in every way. You only

"I just want to experience the smell of fresh cut grass in my nostrils ...... WTF! ......... Dog SHIT!?!?"


@chantastic: Uhhh, the similairities between the rapid economic growth of Hitler's germany and China's current rapid economic explosion cannot be denied buddy. Do some research.

@TheAlmeida: I hope not, but at the rate that their economy is growing, it sure reminds me of how Hitler's German economy suddenly grew and then they started bombing.

@apathyduck: Or,.... since this is such a "plausable" explaination for such an occurence, maybe that's exactly why they chose to make it appear as such a mistake.

They are testing their abilities aswell as looking for holes in the system so that they can exploit and eventually do some serious damage. I say the military is down-playing this. But I guarentee that they're quite concerned and taking this very seriously.

I love my Kinect.

errrr, THAT was the 'big, life altering' anouncement? Wow, Apple. Epic FAIL -URE!

I wouldn't be surprised if Steve deliberately cluttered up this workspace to give the appearance of normalcy in the life of the busy CEO.

Mmmmmmmmmmm, Cherries.

@HealyHQ: Didnt bother watching. Have fun doing nothing rather than getting a damn job.

@Akio Morita: I have, that's why I got Kinect instead of a Wii clone (Move)

@Ducce: And I can see YOU under my balls. I prefer Kinect over Move. My right to voice my opinion. You dont like it? Get lost.

Swings and misses. Yeah, it sucks. Ps3 dildos =EPIC FAIL. Get yourself a Kinect

Looks great! How would you play games on that tho? Your fingers obviously cant touch the screen while viewing the 3-d. You may need a bluetooth controller.

@metronome49: I can tell. Thanks for taking the time to reply to it.

They're killin Sony's Glow-Dildos. Uh, I mean Move wands.