
My Kinect said "6 appendages exceeds the proper amount of acceptable body parts. (head, two arms, two legs, and um, well, you know...) My thingy....

I got chills when I first saw the trailer. I'm def gnna get Homefront. Oh, and yes, you CAN enjoy a game that make you upset. Its just all the more real — which is what I want in a game.

Just got Kinect. I love it. But I cant wait for Steel Batallion and Project D aswell.

This is scary.

@ii Candor ii: By multi-usage I meant multi-purpose. The Astro

Ok, but what I want to know is WHEN can I get a Dell Venue Pro

Ho LEE SHIT! I want this

That looked hot! I'd buy it!

I've been a Kinect believer since day 1!

Leave it to some person with a chip on his shoulder to claim that blacks are being treated as less important by tech developers by not 'making sure that their skintone can be detected.'

What song is that?

I'd love to be able to use kinect to play Halo. btw: Kinect shooters are on there way......!

@Mike43110: It's not so much of an "advantage" as it is to better "feel" the design, contours, etc.

As a graphic designer, I want this.

@GCWB: Im not sure, I think you promote someone's comment simply by replying to it.

@GCWB: Apologies. I mistook you for one of the many Apple fanboys that immediately get offended at one peep against their demigod, Steve Jobs and the products of his heavenly empire, Apple.

@quillaja: Their devices are lightyears ahead of ours. Better cams, faster processors, smaller lighter devices, video chat for years now, and now 3-D phones...... just to name a few