Ortho Tri-psycho

I didn't say anything about you demonizing. I referred to us pro-choicers as demons to be tongue in cheek but I can see you're dying to toss a bunch of guilt around. That's cool. You do you.

They didn't want to be confused with the other homophobic movie called Cruising, I guess.

I was thinking the same thing.

Five Now Dog Five!

While reading My Year of Flops, I counted the word "narcotized" about five times and all used to describe the same type of character. Not saying I don't enjoy the content provided. Just feel a thesaurus might be helpful.

Yeah but I agree with the review in that it felt a little beaten to death. It's like seeing a movie that you know has a twist and instead of enjoying the movie, you're just looking for the twist. We knew it was going to come back, we knew a joke was being set up. Give the audience some credit that they can get a joke

I agree. I think the scene would have worked better if they cut to them out having a great time and Bojack tossing the idea out then. There could still be the realization by Sarah Lynn of why he came to see her and it would have made more sense since he's someone who's pretty good at manipulation.

40 years is not a long time. Guns have been legal forever, yep. Abortion has been legal for a blink of any eye.

It changed forty years ago! It changed in the decade before I was born and in the decade Gen-Xers were born. The actual change that made it legal happened so close to present day in terms of history. Stop acting like it's been gospel for centuries and only now is anyone questioning it.

There was a story in Trapped about an anti-choice woman bringing her teen daughter in for an abortion. Because of how much potential she had. No one else has potential. Just her kid.

Yes, great is the car with power steering!

"because the pro-choice crowd is so obnoxious about it."

Oh yeah and lord knows there's enough to go around. They're never running out of valuable supplies and unable to meet the needs of the community. Who knew we lived in such a garden of Eden?

When I was a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball.

"Her values."

" It can never be questioned or contradicted."

Discussing wars, attacks, and military spending becomes a societal issue because the effects of it reach a wider number of people. Abortion is, despite what people like to say, a personal issue. It's closer to asking priests to regulate masturbation.

Everyone was waiting for him to do the "you stopped responding so I win" moment. You got it!

It's also, no offense to Excitable Genius, not really that big of a deal. I'm not saying it's super vanilla or anything but it's still just phallus to hole, albeit in a different fashion. It's not sucking on prolapsed anuses or something.

Not the time or place but your name is AMAZING! I kept saying Langdon Alger in my head thinking, "where have I heard that?" Are you very quiet and do you enjoy puzzles?