
Yup. Excellent points.

Stop it!

Why are there no LGBT zombies? If I were an asshole, I would be complaining about that.

Guess he's busy fighting the nazi apocalypse now. Boy, he does a lot of apocalypses (is that a thing?).

And what breasts!

Thanks Mark. That made me smile :).

I think they simply run out of money on a cable show like this. Hence the short seasons - which make it very tough for the writers to fully arc the characters and pace the plots. But they've still managed to do a very good job while keeping the apocalypse refreshingly hilarious too.

That is a very, very long-winded way of saying that the season was about eight episodes too short. Give the writers a break. They had to wrap it up and weren't given the right run-time to do it thoroughly. But they did it well enough. And it seems this reviewer didn't get the very funny joke about everyone jumping off

How do you know you agree with your few trusted reviewers if you don't watch - or read or listen to - the thing they've reviewed? Sounds very much like a rather lazy non-sequitur to me. In any case, if you think entertainment is a 'time investment' I would suggest you steer clear of it altogether. It holds nothing for

What difference does that make if you thought it "sucked"? All I'm saying is at least you went to see it and made your own mind up without listening to these assholes.

It's as though this deluge of neg reviews are a kind of bandwagon of pretty shallow so-called 'critics' sitting around some kind of virtual bar table agreeing with each other that this movie must be panned beyond reason. Well, that's them: ignore them.