Orson Hyde

That part was so fucked. I hated taken from the fist and only time I saw it. Anyone that likes the movie (actively likes, owns the blu-ray, watches it regularly etc) is a piece of shit that hiding an inability to watch better action movies and other social maladies.

There’s a throat rip, what’s not to like?

I’m with you... even something as heartless as The Raid made sure to cover the bases in the character/stakes department.

By ‘truck flip’ I think he means that whole sequence.

Patrolling the Mohave makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

The 13 Assassins guy is a real tough customer. Also, Paul Giamatti in Ironclad (they made the scenery out of delicious ham, so he would chew more of it) 

‘Doomsday’ isn’t that bad. Come on...

So, it’s cool that there’s tabs for ‘show’ and ‘season’ now, but why are the episode reviews out of order?

WILSON?! This is what we DO IN THE FBI!!

It’s not like the knights of the Vale have any love for Littlefinger, if he gets offed, they’ll probably stick by Winterfell.

I can keep scrolling down and the next article is... a Zoo recap? Why not the review for the previous episode of this show?

Hey I found it! Luckily because it was in a ‘more from TV Club’ page break.

I’m going to go try to find the review for this week’s Twin Peaks and see how long it takes.

It just said you replied... sorting by ‘best’ is the worst way to sort through comments.

Ah nice... cheers

I scrolled through a ton of comments, trying to make sense of the order they’re shown, is it most stars? Yeah... ok, it’s most stars... (who cares about the flow of a discussion throughout the day?) Whatever, maybe the Firefox plugin could fix that. Anyway I went to go back to the main page and select a different

Yeah, it’s like the newest post is put in the middle of the thread? am I getting this right?

Jesus fuck, there is no organization to this... I kept scrolling down and loading more comments trying to get to the newest one, I thought I was getting close when I saw one that was posted at 4:24pm... After scrolling and loading a few more times, here come your sexy ass with something posted at 2:28??? What the shit

Wow, it takes so many clicks to get to community content. Whose loving [username] recommends your comment? I’m filling this site with so much malarkey, I cant be expected to to know what’s what.

Whoa, you kind of Hughesed out for a minute there.